Salmon and that White Goo

Yeah, it's not the most appetizing adornment. Hard to miss against salmon's rosy-orange flesh, the white gooey stuff that sometimes appears during cooking is certainly a visual distraction. And might leave you feeling like you've messed up somehow. Possibly ruined that glorious piece of salmon even. First off, not ruined. [...]

2020-02-05T18:12:19+00:00August 26th, 2016|Cooking at Home, Seafood|

No-Shuck Oyster Shells

It's no surprise that I've been talking A LOT about oysters in the past few months, since the release of Oysters: Recipe that Bring Home a Taste of the Sea. And no, I haven't gotten tired of the topic, I'm not sick of them yet! In the course of interviews [...]

2020-01-24T00:36:08+00:00May 17th, 2016|Cooking at Home, Food and Drink, Seafood|

The Kitchen Reno: Before and After

Even though the dust has settled and the workmen gone, I keep a comic strip stuck to the wall that really struck a chord a few months ago. In that timeless setting of the therapist's office, the therapist prattles on about how there are no quick fixes in therapy, it's [...]

2020-01-24T00:50:41+00:00April 27th, 2016|Cooking at Home|

The Gift of Experience

As a culture we've gotten incredibly good at accumulating things. Buying things that we need. Things that we don't need. Replacing things with new things because we get bored. Buying shiny-pretty-ooooh-gotta-have-it things just because. And then trying to figure out where to put it all. So then, what are we [...]

2017-02-09T19:20:40+00:00December 9th, 2015|Cooking at Home, Family and Friends|

Jazz and Soufflé

I know it's not an original consideration, that music and cooking share some common threads. Improvisation, playing around, just making stuff up. Being free with the art form. There's a lot of that in both camps. And both also rely on building blocks, foundational skills that you need to master [...]

2022-01-22T01:36:00+00:00October 6th, 2015|Cooking at Home, Recipes|

Coming Soon: Oysters!

It's a funny sensation, that moment in an author's life (at least this author's life) when you realize the book manuscript you've been working on for months is now finished and leaving your grasp for good: off to the printer in whatever form that last round of edits produced. The [...]

2021-06-17T17:13:58+00:00September 8th, 2015|Cookbooks, Cooking at Home, Regional Treats, Seafood|
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