Cooking with Radishes

I'm pretty sure the first time the concept of cooked radishes crossed my radar was in a soup at Le Gourmand restaurant some unknown number of years ago. (The restaurant sadly closed a decade ago, so probably 15 years ago or more?) In that context, puréed with other ingredients, the [...]

2022-06-20T21:41:49+00:00May 24th, 2022|Cooking at Home, Seasonal Eats|

Grilling Oysters

[CN note: I've made a couple updates since the original post was written to reflect small changes to grilling options at a couple destinations mentioned below.] There are so, so many delicious things to toss on the grill this time of year. Burgers, salmon, corn, steak, ribs, hot dogs, pizza, [...]

2023-07-07T15:19:49+00:00July 20th, 2018|Cooking at Home, Northwest Treasures, Seafood, Seasonal Eats|

Ad-Lib Salad for the Heat

Like my  close-up shot here giving you detail of this salad down to every grain of farro? It's not me trying to be arty or stylish. It was the simple matter of the fact that I'd gotten down to the last few bites left in the bowl before I realized [...]

2020-07-02T00:00:21+00:00August 3rd, 2017|Cooking at Home, Seasonal Eats|


So many peaches! I was gifted a flat of the luxuriant organic peaches from Frog Hollow Farm a couple of weeks ago. The farm's east of San Francisco, but their peaches are--thankfully--made available at Metropolitan Markets  in the Seattle area each summer. When that box landed in my kitchen, the [...]

2020-01-25T01:28:15+00:00August 6th, 2015|Cooking at Home, Recipes, Seasonal Eats|

Taste of Summer: Walla Walla Sweets

I missed the big kick-off for this season, the huge juicy sweet onions have been available for a few weeks by now. But there's still time to get your fill of one of Washington's hallmark  agricultural products: the delectable Walla Walla sweet onion. They've even been officially name-checked by the USDA [...]

2020-02-05T18:40:31+00:00July 18th, 2015|Regional Treats, Seasonal Eats|
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