Zippy Snacks: Spiced Almonds

Yesterday was just one of those days. Mid afternoon I found myself staring out the window into the gray-ish sky, considering the kind of week it had been, the kind of frazzle I felt, the fact that it couldn't be just Wednesday, really?! -- the weekend seemed too far away. I deserved a [...]

2022-08-19T20:03:11+00:00May 25th, 2012|Cooking at Home|

Sun Setting on a Seattle Icon: Le Gourmand

I was heartbroken when I first heard Bruce Naftaly's voicemail message this morning, letting me know that he and his wife and business partner Sara had decided to close Le Gourmand and Sambar in early June. I've been a card-carrying fan of Le Gourmand for many years, and of Sambar [...]

2016-10-20T20:14:10+00:00February 9th, 2012|Chefs, Northwest Treasures|

Coffee Ice Cream

It can be pretty easy today to buy quite good commercial ice creams, whether one of the many regional small-scale producers -- like Snoqualmie from my back yard -- or premium national brands (I don't really love regular Häagen-Dazs, but am a fan of the Five line). I even sampled at the [...]

2012-02-01T16:45:15+00:00January 28th, 2012|Cooking at Home, Food and Drink, Sweet Treats|

Game Smarts

One fun thing about social media is that you truly just never know what interesting new thing you're going to learn as you scope out your Twitter feed or check new Facebook posts. Here's a little bit of game trivia that I picked up via Twitter this morning: the celebrated American [...]

2012-08-09T16:34:38+00:00January 6th, 2012|games in the news, Gourmet Game Night|

Hazelnut-Apple Tart

There are so many reasons that it's been as long as it has since I last sat down to write a post here. I won't bore you with details, aside from the more recent reason that I was out of town for most of December. It was a trip my [...]

2013-10-18T00:28:43+00:00January 2nd, 2012|Cooking at Home, Seasonal Eats|
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