The Halloween Grinch

"Should I pick up some candy on the way home?" my husband asked this morning. "No." "So...we'll just turn off the lights again?" Yep. Can't believe I'm admitting it. But really, I just don't care much at all for this holiday. Never was into the whole idea of costumes & [...]

2012-10-31T15:09:34+00:00October 30th, 2012|Food and Drink|

Coffee: A Taste of Place

The sense of place is an ever-increasing subtext when we consider our cooking and dining experiences these days. Shopping farmers markets and choosing to dine at restaurants that source locally as much as possible (if not growing much of the food they serve themselves) are de rigeur for many of [...]

2020-02-05T19:43:41+00:00October 30th, 2012|Beverages, Food and Drink|

Salty Snacks Preview

Well.....the official release of Salty Snacks is tomorrow, September 25!! But already the publisher's posted a generous little preview of the book with a handful of recipes -- so you can get an early taste of what the book has to offer! Here you go: Recipes From Salty Snacks by Cynthia [...]

2012-09-24T16:21:47+00:00September 24th, 2012|Cookbooks|

Canning Summer: Plum Butter

It's funny how sometimes there's an odd confluence of input on one topic coming at you from seemingly disparate directions. For me this week, it's been canning: a subject chatted about at a dinner party Saturday, something Facebook friends gave me lots of guidance about after posting a quick question, and something [...]

2013-07-24T13:44:43+00:00September 19th, 2012|Cooking at Home, Seasonal Eats|

Cooking Moroccan

It strikes me as interesting that I have my liberal arts education in Tacoma, Washington to thank for my introduction to North African cuisine. Indirectly, I suppose, but it was a University of Puget Sound winterim study program of a month in Paris that had me exploring the bustling, colorful [...]

2017-03-21T21:25:37+00:00September 11th, 2012|Cookbooks, Cooking at Home, Memories, Travel|

Glorious Guacamole

So, my next book Salty Snacks is going to be released last week of September.... After all those months creating and testing recipes, doing research, talking with countless folks about the world of salty snacks and some of their favorite preparations -- editing, tweaking, pacing in consternation, editing some more. This [...]

2012-08-16T20:52:37+00:00August 16th, 2012|Cooking at Home, Farming and Farmers Markets|

Julia Child: Bon Anniversaire Madame!!

Back in early November of 1990, I was into my second year in France for an extended stay. Earlier, in college, I'd had a couple trips to France as part of my studies--once for a month, the following year for a semester at University of Dijon. But this was my [...]

2023-08-17T00:48:21+00:00August 7th, 2012|Memories|
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