My Husband, Poker Champion!

It's funny that it took this long. But for a variety of reasons, it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that my husband and I played in our first poker tournament. We go to Vegas pretty frequently and have been invited to join in poker tournaments down there now and then, [...]

2013-10-25T19:42:46+00:00March 2nd, 2010|Family and Friends, favorite games|

Happy Val-endive’s Day

There are times when a lousy memory comes in handy. When watching a movie I've seen before, for instance, it can be like watching it for the first time again! I'm still moved-surprised-delighted-shocked by the action on the screen and twists in the plot  because I've forgotten many of those details [...]

2013-02-14T16:32:15+00:00February 13th, 2010|Cooking at Home|

Mmmmmmm……. Bacon!

I shouldn't be at all surprised. In fact, I expected to be proven wrong. And, honestly, I'm kind of happy about it. One of the recipes in my book is no great revelation, aside from perhaps the new game-friendly presentation. Those small loaves of cocktail bread--long and slender, producing slices [...]

2016-05-06T23:11:12+00:00February 12th, 2010|food-lover games|

Picks Galore

It's great to have friends in the food business. My pal Lisa Dupar, the doyenne behind Lisa Dupar Catering, clued me in to this web site, Pick On Us, which is a crazy candy store of game night goods. The site has a seemingly endless array of picks, skewers, and [...]

2010-01-29T19:24:08+00:00January 29th, 2010|entertaining ideas|

Peanut Butter Waffles

I don't know exactly what spurred the urge, but sometime early December I got a serious case of waffles-on-the-brain. And it suddenly became clear that waffles aren't on nearly as many menus as you might hope when suffering such an affliction. Not that I go out for breakfast all that [...]

2016-05-06T23:05:08+00:00January 29th, 2010|Cooking at Home|

Memories of Chef Chambrette

He was such a gem of a man. Monsieur Fernand Chambrette. A gentleman of small stature, big heart, giant talents and not a small dose of the devilish imp that will be so greatly missed by those who knew and loved him, and certainly those who learned from him. At [...]

2016-06-02T22:30:50+00:00January 20th, 2010|Chefs, Memories|

Extra Toasty Cornbread

This morning's breakfast was a particularly good eye-opener, a nice change of pace from my standard fare (english muffin with peanut butter, yogurt with Grape Nuts, bowl of cereal). Today, I slipped a piece of cornbread from the pan in which I'd baked it yesterday. I cut the piece in [...]

2016-05-06T22:53:34+00:00January 12th, 2010|Cookbooks, Cooking at Home, Regional Treats|

On Cooking Quick: Pork Piperade

A few months ago a walking buddy mentioned that she'd just checked out my blog for the first time and enjoyed poking around it a bit. "You sure make cooking sound fun," she said. Thoroughly unconvinced. After a few minutes of chatting with her about cooking at home, it became [...]

2018-06-26T22:47:42+00:00January 5th, 2010|Cooking at Home|

A Merry Scandinavian Christmas

Which would translate to "god jul" in Swedish, with a "gott nytt år" tossed in to wish you a happy new year as well! There are a couple of reasons that our Christmas day menu--usually a hearty but simple brunch, then a casual nosh later in the day--became a vaguely smörgåsbord-influenced [...]

2022-12-21T00:52:51+00:00December 28th, 2009|Cooking at Home, Seasonal Eats|

Scrabble Anniversary

This is what wasting time roaming around the Web will get you. The occasional “I can't believe it!!” gem. I don't recall how I originally ended up on the Laughing Squid web site, but one circuitous journey eventually found me on this link, a commercial project done by some creative [...]

2009-12-10T11:25:55+00:00December 10th, 2009|favorite games|
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