New York, New York: A Delectable Town

I sit here at my desk, typing away while looking at the now-sunny Seattle sky, seagulls passing, Olympics peaks just beyond view in the distance. A few days ago, I was working on this same laptop from my desk in the 45th floor hotel room I was staying in, midtown Manhattan, a view of countless [...]

2015-07-01T22:10:29+00:00February 25th, 2011|Food and Drink, Restaurants, Travel|

That OTHER Game: Snacks for Super Bowl

Yep, she's right. My pal Tracy imagined aloud in a blog post that when I wrote Gourmet Game Night I was likely "thinking of Scrabble, poker or backgammon" rather than football. I don't care much for the game, actually. Never watch during regular season. The last Super Bowl I watched was [...]

2021-01-25T15:39:13+00:00February 3rd, 2011|entertaining ideas|

Homemade Caramel Sauce

I don't have much of a sweet tooth at all. In fact I often joke that if there's such a thing as a salty tooth, that's what I've got. But on one sweet subject I can get rather giddy: caramel. Though only really amazing, buttery, rich caramel need apply. I cringe [...]

2011-01-31T00:37:07+00:00January 31st, 2011|Cooking at Home, Sweet Treats|

Game Night 2011: Small Is Delicious

Is it just me, or did this recent transition from one year to the next come with a larger-than-usual dose of year-end lists? Both of the looking-back-on-what-happened this past year and the ever popular crystal-ball-gaze toward what the coming year may hold. And food trends certainly stand out as one of the [...]

2011-01-11T10:50:25+00:00January 11th, 2011|entertaining ideas|

Quick Snacks: Puff Pastry Straws

The unexpected White Thanksgiving we experienced here in Seattle certainly threw us all some curve balls. The end result at my house was that--for the first time in many years--my Thanksgiving dinner table didn't include any of my blood relations. Brother sick, niece working, sister stuck on Queen Anne hill, [...]

2011-01-25T03:08:34+00:00December 12th, 2010|Cooking at Home|

Games for Food-Lovers

When I began dreaming up the idea of Gourmet Game Night, I really wasn't sure exactly how many folks there were out there like me. How many inhabit that cross-section where people who love good food co-mingle with people who love to play board games/cards/dominoes/etc? I had to hope that the potential audience [...]

2015-12-10T15:49:55+00:00December 9th, 2010|food-lover games|

A Great Get-Away: Portland

Much as I like to think I'm an organized person, inevitably there are trips when I realize too late something that I failed to pack. Usually remedying the problem just takes a trip to the drug store for some toothpaste, or relying on the room's alarm clock rather than my favorite [...]

2010-12-06T09:28:05+00:00December 6th, 2010|Northwest Character, Regional Treats, Travel|

Cheers to Independent Game Stores!

Most of Gourmet Game Night is all about the food and recipes, serving ideas and planning tips. The "gourmet" part. I am a professional food writer, after all, and that arena is the core of my expertise. But it wouldn't be Gourmet Game Night without the games, right? We've all got a [...]

2012-08-20T22:33:13+00:00October 29th, 2010|Gourmet Game Night|

Ricotta to the Rescue

I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me before, but ricotta's a great ingredient to have on hand. One small tub came to the rescue twice in this past week and it's got me thinking I should add ricotta to my grocery cart most every week. Friday night we were joining [...]

2011-01-25T03:13:30+00:00October 27th, 2010|Cooking at Home|
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