Cauliflower Gribiche: Quick, Light, Delicious

I realize this looks more like potato salad than cauliflower, which is clearly an indication that I should have spent more time trying to capture my subject. But I was hungry..... Last week was indulgent to say the least, me and my culinary colleagues who attended the IACP [...]

2023-08-23T17:43:01+00:00June 8th, 2011|Cooking at Home|

Austin Impressions: The Community of Food

It's a rather odd phenomenon that occurs when involved in a conference as intensive and engaging as that of the  International Association of Culinary Professionals, which just wrapped up this weekend in Austin. The days are long, from that first sip of coffee each morning, chatting with tablemates before heading to the day's [...]

2023-08-12T18:06:56+00:00June 8th, 2011|Culinary Community, Restaurants, Travel|

The Nature of Salmon: Northwest Treasure

Asparagus, tulips and salmon, oh my. It must be spring in the Northwest. Though, granted, this year's very chilly and damp spring has meant delay in the produce and flower departments, it's unlikely that the piscatorial harbinger of spring will be off its typical mid-May schedule by much. The Alaska [...]

2015-11-17T01:30:10+00:00May 12th, 2011|Northwest Treasures, Seasonal Eats|

Drinking Right on Game Night

It's pretty easy to get wrapped up in all the great food options that surround an ideal game night scenario: mini serving dishes, favorite game-friendly ingredients (endive leaves, cocktail bread, mini tart shells), fun little picks and skewers to use, finger-food menu plans and such. But at some point you and your [...]

2011-04-26T19:15:16+00:00April 26th, 2011|entertaining ideas|

Edible Books 2011: Judging for Taste

I had a punderful time last weekend, arriving late Saturday morning at the Good Shepherd Center in Wallingford just as folks were showing up with their entries for the 7th annual Seattle Edible Book Festival. I'd heard about the festival a couple of years ago, seen the Flickr postings of [...]

2011-04-11T00:02:23+00:00April 10th, 2011|Delicious Events|

Meeting a Legend: Paul Bocuse

This past weekend, at dinner with friends, some random course of conversation brought up a crazy story that I told the group. It was something I hadn't thought about for a while, but they loved the story and urged me--repeatedly--to write more about stories like it. It'll have be another time that [...]

2023-06-17T01:42:29+00:00March 31st, 2011|Chefs, Memories, Restaurants|

Cooking & College: Reminiscing

It certainly isn't an obvious connection. But the recent notice I read about the Flying Karamazov Brothers coming to the Seattle area soon sent me on a trip down memory lane. The year was 1985 perhaps. Tacoma, on the campus of the University of Puget Sound where I was a [...]

2025-02-22T01:36:24+00:00March 1st, 2011|Food and Drink, Memories|
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