Rover’s: An Appreciation

My husband and I still remember that first meal we had at Rover's. It was August, 1988. We were both having grumpy weeks, didn't like our jobs, whatever the grievance. So we played hooky that lovely sunny day and walked onto the Bainbridge ferry to escape a bit, wander Winslow, [...]

2021-08-26T19:44:46+00:00February 22nd, 2013|Chefs, Memories, Restaurants|

Snacky Highlights from Fancy Food ’13

Spanish potato chips cooked in extra virgin olive oil, crackers made with pilsner and porter beers, crunchy seaweed snacks coated with rice flour, and countless variations on flavored popcorn--it was quite the snacker's paradise among the vast array of products at this year's Fancy Food Show, which wrapped up this [...]

2013-02-01T18:12:31+00:00January 26th, 2013|Food Products, Salty Snacks|

A Most Magical Christmas

I didn't want to break the spell. When I left Seattle to go to cooking school in France, it was a major adventure, a big step into an unknown future, a dream come true. Belongings that I wasn't taking with me went into long-term storage, since this was to be an open-ended [...]

2020-02-05T19:36:27+00:00December 19th, 2012|Family and Friends, Memories, Travel|

Kitchen Tools: Some Gift Ideas

You know, me and my kitchen -- we're pretty close. I've been with this one for over a dozen years and we've been through a lot together. Lots of laughs and fun times, some long cooking marathons, writing a bunch of cookbooks (10 maybe?), a few challenges working to get recipes [...]

2020-02-05T19:41:45+00:00December 13th, 2012|Cooking at Home, Kitchen Tips|

Menus and Truth: Wild Mushrooms that Aren’t

It happened for the umpteenth time a couple of days ago. Part of the daily routine, keeping up on news of the day, checking out a restaurant that just opened in my neighborhood, I'm scanning the menu online....then, BAM! One of my all-time biggest menu peeves: "Wild Mushroom Quesadilla: crimini mushroom, roasted poblano, chevre....." Blood pressure [...]

2012-12-06T00:12:12+00:00December 6th, 2012|Food and Drink|

Stormy-Day Chili

Based on Twitter feeds and Facebook chats, it sounds like many of us around the country were feeling a sort of solidarity with all those on the eastern seaboard being ravaged by frenetic megastorm Sandy. Honestly, the blustery weather we're having in Seattle would have been enough on its own. [...]

2012-11-01T01:16:24+00:00November 1st, 2012|Cooking at Home, Food and Drink, Seasonal Eats|
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