In Honor of Mom

I can't say how many times a food story I've written, or recipe I've developed, has come with a story of my mother. My favorite is this one, which ended up getting picked up by Saveur's online offerings and has, in the long run, become one of the most popular [...]

2011-10-18T22:36:14+00:00October 12th, 2011|Cooking at Home, Family and Friends, Memories|

San Juan Tour

Sometimes the impromptu things end being the best, right? The last-minute let's-go-out-for-dinner plans with friends who also happen to be available? That's the spirit behind next weekend's Gourmet Game Night gathering on Orcas Island at Allium restaurant in Eastsound. Sunday night October 16 during happy hour (5:30 to 6:30), I'll [...]

2011-10-09T10:36:19+00:00October 9th, 2011|Travel|

My Favorite Food Group: Salty Crunchy

All work and no play has been making Cynthia somewhat dingbatty. Honestly. It's that kind of brain-frizz that makes me turn in circles in the kitchen 3 or 4 times before I remember that all I needed to do was grab a knife out of the drawer to spread peanut [...]

2011-07-22T14:24:05+00:00July 14th, 2011|Cookbooks, Cooking at Home|

A Jazzy Trailer for Game Night

Trailers are for movies, right? Or maybe for hipster curbside no-fuss dining establishments. But actually, trailers are now for cookbooks, too. And other books that show up on shelves each year. I'd never heard the concept of a cookbook trailer until a matter of months ago, when I started seeing/hearing friends talk [...]

2011-07-07T17:48:00+00:00July 7th, 2011|entertaining ideas|

Grilled Dungeness Crab

I know weather was pretty dismal this past spring in many parts of the U.S., not the least up here in the Northwest where we brokethe kinds of records you're never too excited to hear about: the coldest April; the next-to-wettest March. So now that the last week or so [...]

2016-04-27T09:37:53+00:00July 6th, 2011|Cooking at Home, Northwest Treasures|

Games on the Go

I wrote last summer about the sometimes-conundrum of how much luggage space you can--or should--devote to games when you're traveling. It's similar to what happens in the "what to pack?" question for clothes, too, never know what the weather's going to be like, what mood I'll be in any given evening [...]

2021-05-12T18:10:44+00:00July 6th, 2011|Travel|
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